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Aeropress vs French Press: Which One is Better?

Aeropress vs French Press: Which One is Better?

Are you in search of a new type of coffee maker? Have you ever heard of a French Press or Aeropress? What are the differences between an Aeropress and a French Press?

The Aeropress is a newcomer to the coffee world, with only 10 years in the game. It was first invented in 2005 by Alan Adler, who also created the Aerobie flying ring. The French Press is around for about 80 years now since it’s been invented by Attilio Calimani back in 1929. So what are some of these differences that separate them? Let’s find out!

You can get your caffeine fix with either coffee maker. You’ll be able to learn about how they both work, their pros and cons compared to each other, as well as which one you should buy if you want your morning cup of joe. There’s always a perfect fit for someone depending on the moment and circumstances.

Read our article that guides you about the Aeropress and French Press today!

What is Aeropress?

The Aeropress is a manual coffee and espresso maker invented and introduced to the public in 2005 by Alan Adler. It consists of two nested cylinders: one larger than the other. A filter is provided, with a funnel on one side, and an opposite-facing opening — these function similar to a syringe — that can be sealed against its plunger top through pressing or screwing it into place.

The Aeropress is less popular than the French Press, which was first invented 80 years ago. So what are the differences between Aeropress and french press? Which one is better? Check out this article for more information!

The Aeropress is a small device, so it is easy to transport without taking up space in your car or backpack. It’s made of 3 parts: the chamber, plunger, and filter cap.

History of the Aeropress?

The Aeropress is a coffee maker that was invented in 2005 by Alan Adler. It’s a popular brewing device for coffee, which can be used to make 10 cups of coffee at one time. It’s a small device, so it is easy to transport without taking up space in your car or backpack.

The Aeropress has been around since 2005 and consists of 3 parts: the chamber, plunger, and filter cap. Its filter cap forces the hot water through the ground and saturated coffee beans all at once, as opposed to drip-style machines where the water seeps through slowly over time, leading to higher flavor extraction due to the increased contact time with the beans.

It’s also worth noting that Aeropress is specifically designed so that you can control the brewing process to suit your personal preferences. There is a huge range of recipes available online for Aeropress; some people like it super strong, while others only slightly sweetened. You can adjust either your coffee or water volume to get it just how you like it.

What is French Press?

French press coffee makers are the most typical in the United States. These are usually made of glass, stainless steel, or aluminum. French presses are also sometimes made of plastic, but they’re less durable because when plastic is heated up it’s more likely to leach chemicals into your drink.

The process for making coffee with a french press is generally much slower than that of other methods. A plunger mechanism is used to slowly push down the steeped grounds so that all the flavorful oils and sediment can be extracted fully from them. This allows for a richer body and a tastier cup of coffee because it takes longer for these oils to come out in other brewing techniques like drip or instant pot coffee makers. No electricity or stirring is needed, let the gravity and time do the work.

History of the French Press?

The French press was patented in 1929 by Attilio Calimani. The French press consists of two main pieces: a cylinder and a plunger.

The coffee grounds are placed in the cylinder, which is usually made of glass or metal, and hot water is poured in to soak them for approximately four minutes. After the appropriate brewing time has passed, the plunger is pressed down slowly to push all the ground beans to the bottom of the cylinder. The filter at the top sieves out any remaining particulates, while leaving behind a highly concentrated brew that is robust but very smooth.

The French Press is around for more than 80 years, the Aeropress just more than 15 years, so it makes sense the French Press is more popular around the world.

8 things to consider when considering Aeropress or French Press

  1. Price: As Aeropress has started to become more popular, Aeropress enthusiasts have been getting them on Amazon or other websites. Aeropress is also easier on your wallet: it is cheaper than a French press and can be taken anywhere without the mess of a French press, making Aeropress the more affordable option.

    However, if you search enough, you’ll find French Presses that are cheaper than an Aeropress, but also more expensive. Generally, the Aeropress is cheaper.
  2. Filters: When you’re using an Aeropress, you’ll need paper filters. Please avoid metal filters because they don’t do the job as well as their paper counterparts. The paper filters make sure your brew is low on acids, smooth, and tastes clean.

    The major downside of using the paper filter is that some of the coffee oils won’t get through. These oils make a French Press stand out more. French Press mostly uses steel filters that can let these oils through. The result will be a great flavor but sometimes you’ll have a bit of the grounds, sandy, gritty texture in your coffee, downgrading the taste. If this happens, your coffee beans won’t reach their full potential.
  3. Durability: Durability comes together with portability and so on. The French Press is made of heavier materials and can break more easily. The Aeropress weighs less and is made of lighter materials (like BPA-free plastic) but is still durable, making it an ideal fit when traveling.
  4. Versatility: The French Press allows you to make a variety of coffees, as the Aeropress comes closer to an espresso machine. The Aeropress uses more pressure, just like an espresso machine
  5. Capacity: The French Press can make your coffee for more than one person, as an Aeropress will serve you one cup at a time. Depending on the size of you cup you can have more but you get the point. French Press for the crowd, Aeropress for single brew only.
  6. Flavor: As we’ve mentioned before in the Filters section above, French Press coffees are known for a grittier texture, as the Aeropress doesn’t have all that, resulting in flatter taste, but still strong.

    The Aeropress is closer to an espresso machine, because of the higher pressure and requires finer grounds for the brew. The French Press brew will taste fuller, stronger, more body when compared to the Aeropress, which will taste strong and clean.
  7. Brewing time: You’ll need less time with an Aeropress when compared to the French Press, as the latter has lower pressure, coarser grounds and is served for multiple people. The Aeropress gets you a cup in about 2 minutes.
  8. Convenient in use: The Aeropress is easier to deal with than the French Press. You’ll need more practice and build up experience with the French Press. The French Press is easier to clean when compared to an Aeropress.


Is French press better than Aeropress?

This is subjective. French Press takes more time and will get you a full-bodied taste, sometimes with small pieces from the grounds that went through. The Aeropress requires less time to brew and will still have a strong and clean taste (no pieces). The latter is a better fit for the traveling coffee lover. So it depends on the time and context you’re in. They both give you great coffee.

Why French press coffee is bad for you?

The only reason it can have a bad influence on you is that there are small pieces, grits, that can get into your brew. The filter doesn’t filter thoroughly as a paper filter does, leaving substances like cafestol in the brew. Cafestol can negatively impact your cholesterol.

Is Aeropress really good?

Sure, the Aeropress is quick and good. It gives you a strong and clean coffee, meaning it doesn’t leave grits in your coffee. The Aeropress is a great pick for the traveling coffee-lover, while French Press is more suited for home brewing.

Is Aeropress similar to French Press?

In a way, yes, yet they’re completely different to use. The Aeropress is easier to use than the French Press as it requires less experience. They both give you a strong and clean coffee though, which is great for us caffeine lovers! The grounds are in the hot water before they get separated. They both require manual force, “press” to brew.


The differences between the two coffee makers are not many, and both can produce a delicious cup of black gold for you. If you’re looking for something with higher quality than your average filter machine, go and opt for a French Press. If you’re looking on your travels for a less strong and cleaner brew, go for an Aeropress. They’re both great devices.

Enjoy your coffee!