People mostly say: what you can do yourself, you can do it better! While this varies from context to context, this is true for grinding your coffee.
The right choice can give you an edge over many automatic grinders and greatly improve your coffee experience.
We will give you an overview of things to consider when buying a manual coffee grinder and at the end, we will discuss each one with its advantages and disadvantages.
Don’t want to read the whole article? We at Golden Sin Coffee think that you can’t miss a HEIHOX Hand Grinder to start with. It’s not the most expensive one and it can compete with the ones above 100 dollars. Click here for the link to Amazon!
It depends on the situation and the type of coffee you want to brew. Generally, the quality of your coffee beans is key, you can’t expect to work with low-quality products and get a quality cup of coffee. Manual grinders don’t produce the heat that their electric counterparts have and tend to capture the coffee’s aroma and flavor in your brews.
They are quiet compared to their electrical counterparts and can improve the coffee experience by doing it yourself.
There are a lot of coffee grinders for sale, so where to begin? Below you can look for a handful of things to consider when buying a manual coffee grinder and make that great investment!
#1. Budget
They are budget-friendly, especially when you compare them to their electric counterparts. Brewing coffee is about rituals and features you don’t have when brewing it automatically. They can be 10 times cheaper than electric ones and have cheap entry levels.
You must adjust this to your personal preferences since you’re searching for a grinder at home. Coffee is also about experiencing and seeing the process with your senses. It’s not just about brewing and drinking it, it’s a ritual.
#2. Portability
You can bring the grinder with you when you’re out. They come in ‘handy’ when you want access to good coffee. You pick a size so you can hold it in your hands.
#3. Capacity
Do you buy this for personal use (1-3 cups a day) or a lot of guests? Grinding coffee for 5+ people can be hard work, so an electrical variant might be a better option.
#4. Adjusting grind settings
There is no universal grind setting for each type of coffee. So you have to consider this when buying a manual grinder. Knowing what type of coffee you’ll prepare the most is important for this choice.
There are different grind ranges. It goes without saying that, the finer the grind, the longer they work. If you’re an espresso lover, by all means, it might not be suited for you if you don’t have the time for this. The finer you want it, the more work.
Grind size refers to the thickness of your grounds. The finer, the harder it is to filter. Fine grounds are good for espresso. Thicker grounds mean they are coarser and thus easier to filter. This is good for French Press, Pour over, drip coffee.
There is no such thing as an all-round manual coffee grinder.
#5. Quality materials
When talking about quality materials, you consider stainless steel or ceramic burrs. They should last for a long time. The steel variants are sharper and thus more expensive. They grind faster and grinds are more consistent.
If parts are broken, you should look to if you can replace them. A grinder is made of a lot of small parts, so you’ll have to check if you can replace them easily.
When buying your grinder, you should at least review the parts. Be aware of the burrs if they’re not damaged and not so sharp.
#6. Consistency
Consistency is a leading indicator of performance and functionality. Your grinder should be able to grind different sizes (fine, medium, coarse…). Each brewing method requires different grind sizes. The more variety of grind settings, the more variety of drinks you can make.
You’ll also want that your grinders grind consistently. What use is it to choose for espresso when you can’t grind it all fine? You don’t want that because it’s not good for your brewing process for that brewing method. The flavor is key! If you don’t pay attention to this, all your efforts might be in vain to brew that great cup of coffee.
It depends on a lot of things, such as brand, choice of coffee beans, grind setting, and other uses. If you consider these tips, your grind will last many years.
#1. Only grind coffee
You don’t use the grinder to grind other products (spices like pepper…).
#2. Grind upright
Grinding upright will grind it evenly.
#3. Clean after use
After you’ve used the grinder, clean it so nothing stays behind to attach and harden.
#4. Sharpness of the burrs
Don’t forget to check if the burrs are dulled
We at Golden Sin Coffee feel that these are the 10 best grinders available today.
Before making your choice, consider your coffee needs and pick the right grinder. The most important thing is to do it and experience it. We hope we can help you make that important decision!
You can click on the images or subtitles to view the products on Amazon.
#1. Manual Coffee Grinder – HEIHOX Hand Coffee Grinder
This grinder is a bit on the heavier side, due to the lack of plastic parts (metal instead). Burrs are from stainless steel. This is a must-have. It’s easy to maintain and use. For its price, you’ll have a grinder that can compete and beat grinders above 100 dollars.
#2. TIMEMORE Chestnut C2 Manual Coffee Grinder
This grinder looks beautiful and has high-quality parts. This is a modern version of the manual coffee grinder. You must consider if the parts are easy to replace on this one since this is a chestnut variant of the C2.
#3. TIMEMORE C2 Portable Manual Coffee Grinder
This one is easy to handle and sturdy. Easy in use and maintenance. It can compete with products above 100 dollars. If you don’t use it properly, the plastic parts might break sooner.
#4. Porlex Mini Stainless Steel Coffee Grinder
This grinder is made in Japan. it has a capacity of 20 grams and it’s made of stainless steel. It looks very minimalistic and does the job. It’s suited for almost everything.
#5. 1Zpresso Q2 Manual Coffee Grinder
This is a must-have. it’s a mini-version and the perfect solution for the travelers among us. it has stainless steel burrs, great quality, and 60 grind options. If you’re on a low budget, this might not be your ideal solution.
#6. VEVOK CHEF Manual Coffee Grinder
This grinder looks good and has various grind settings and capabilities. It grinds consistently. The size is enough for personal usage. It uses steel conical burrs. It’s one of the bigger grinders but still easy to take with you.
#7. Hario Ceramic Coffee Mill -“Skerton Pro”
Hario is also Japanese. If you pick Hario, you won’t be disappointed. It’s well suited at home but also easy to take with you abroad.
This model is easy to use and suits the starter very well. It has a ceramic burr grinder, is durable, and is easy to maintain.
#8. Akirakoki Manual Coffee Grinder Wood Coffee Mill
This looks like a vintage, antique coffee grinder and fits in your interior. It’s made from quality wood, has durable burrs, and is easy to take with you. It grinds well. The hard part is adjusting to the grind and grinding it finely. It’s nice to have a coffee grinder. it has an 85-gram grind capacity and can serve about 3-4 people per grind.
#9. JavaPresse Manual Coffee Grinder
Java is a popular brand in coffee land. This one has 18 grind settings, is easy to take with you, and has durable grinders. You can see through the window how much coffee is left in the grinder. It exists plastic components that might break soon. This is a fine grinder to have and it’s esthetic.
#10. Manual Coffee Grinder (Vucchini)
This model from Vucchini can be a great start in brewing your own coffee. it has a low size of 20 grams and has 6 grind settings. It has a ceramic burr and a long handle. It’s easy to use and maintain.
There is a wide range of manual coffee grinders available. Since there are a lot of popular brands, we at Golden Sin Coffee pick this option for you: HEIHOX Hand Coffee Grinder.
This is a grinder that is sturdy and has a stainless steel burr grinder. They don’t use plastics so they are meant to last a while. It has great consistency. The grinder is easy to use and maintain. It’s suitable for various grind sizes. It’s one of the heavier choices, but every gram is worth your money!
The important thing is: go and grind some coffee today!
Enjoy your coffee!